So, by the title you’re probably wondering how burgers and God go together. We let me explain.
The other night I wanting to cook out and make hamburgers and I usually use a gas grill, but I had no propane, so I decided to use my regular grill with charcoal. I went in the house and prepared the hamburgers, taking my time I didn’t realize that it was getting late and the sun was about to go down. I don’t have lights on my back porch to be able to cook out after dark. So, I got my stuff together and went outside and poured the lighter fluid all over the charcoal. By this time, the sun was going down fast so I threw the match in the grill and the fire was on. The thing is, I didn’t have time to let the charcoal burn and burn off the lighter fluid. So, I threw the burgers on and started to cook them. I didn’t have much time. The flames were as high as the roof was outside. I was flipping burgers as fast as I could and plus I was trying to get the flames down by spraying water on it. I’m sure your telling yourself at this point these hamburgers are not going to turn out well. Well, I cooked them as long as I could before the outside of them were burnt. So, I pulled them off the grill and took them inside as my wife was laughing at me through our kitchen window. So, slipped the hamburgers on the bun with all the fixings that I prepared beforehand. With my first bite liquid gushed in my mouth. You guessed it, lighter fluid. My hamburger tasted like I marinated it in gasoline. I looked at my wife and said let’s go and get a steak somewhere. She of course laughed and said that was a great Idea. I learned something that night and that is some things cannot be rushed. The process of making a good burger takes time and it cannot be rushed and if you do, you will not get the results you want. The same is for God and the root building process in our lives. We think we need to hurry and rush into something like a job or buying a new house. However, if we prayed about it, why do we feel the need to rush? God feels no pressure to rush or force His plan for our growth. He is calm, steady, and collected even when we want things to speed up. Remember our frustrations will not make God speed up, because He knows we won’t get the results we’ve prayed for.
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AuthorJust a man who follows Christ and writes for fun.. Archives
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