The other day at our monthly lunch a good friend was sharing a story with me about trust and what they are going through in life but trusting God to show them the way as they walk through doors that open. I was sitting there talking with my friend and they asked me about how I ended up where I am today in my job. I remember when I took this job over 15 years ago I did not want it at all! The hiring manager who is also a close friend, kept calling me and saying I needed to come work here and I kept telling her no! However, there is a little detail you need to know, I didn’t have a job. I had just been laid off from my job with a pharmaceutical company. I was trying to get back into the industry but every door I walked through, would close.
So, one day my friend called me and asked why I didn’t want to come to work for her and the company. I shared with her that had I worked in advertising before at a billboard company and did not want to get back into this adverting industry. She said she understood but thought I should at least come talk with them and learn more about the company. Being without a job and having 3 kids, I put my ego aside and off I went. During the interview I will never forget a question the Director of Sales asked me, “So if a pharmaceutical company called you and offered you a job in a month and you worked here what you would do?” I looked at her in the interview and said, “I wish you guys the best luck finding my replacement.” Now as a hiring manager now, if I had someone say that to me, I don’t think I would offer them a job at all. However, I received a phone call later that week and the job was offered to me and I sit here 15 years later. As I shared the story of all the doors I walked through, and God closed them and then the door I walked through that I didn’t want to walk through was where God wanted me. Even though I didn’t want to walk through this door I trusted God. Doesn’t this remind of us of when Peter got out of the boat in John 6:16-21? See a lot of times we read this of how it looks when you talk your eyes of Christ but let’s look at it a how Peter trusted Jesus to get out of the boat. I mean he was the only one who got out of the boat. As I was talking with my friend about this story we both thought about Peter and the trust he had in Christ. As we walk through life we have to remember God wants what’s best for us, but we have to trust him to get out of the boat and remember he opens and closes doors. He also put people in our lives to help push us through doors we don’t want to walk through as He did with my friend who hired my 15 years ago. When we trust Him, He will put us where we need to be. I know this because I wouldn’t be the person I am today and the father of 3 daughters. Am I perfect? Absolutely not, but I did trust to walk through the door with him 15 years ago and if I didn’t I would not be the man I am today! So today if you’re in a place where you have doors you need to walk through trust and ask is this the door you want me to go through? But be ready to walk through doors you don’t want to walk through. However, be like Peter and trust enough to get out of the boat and done be that person who just sits in the boat
This past week my wife and I were in London for vacation. As we walked around the city we used Google maps a lot, I mean a lot. However, by the 4thday I felt comfortable about knowing where we were going. One evening we went to dinner at this fabulous steak house that was just amazing. Sorry, the steak has nothing to do with the story, but I started to think about it. Anyways, as we were leaving the restaurant and were walking around the little area that we were in we decided that we were ready to head back to our hotel. My wife went to put it in google maps and I looked over at her and said you don’t have to do that because I see Big Ben and our hotel is right next to it, so we will just take the path the leads us to Big Ben and we will be all good. She looked at me a said are you sure and I said of course we are.
I knew which way to go because I could see Big Ben. So let’s go down this way I said and we will be all good! What I didn’t know was she went ahead and put the address in google maps any way. As we started to go my way because I was walking down the path by sight because I saw Big Ben, we came to a fork in the road and she said ok smarty which way. So, I looked up and couldn’t see Big Ben, so I said it’s this way in a very confidant tone. She said are you sure and I said well of course. She then pulled out her phone and said well its says we should go the other way. Well yes, I listened to google maps because I found out later the road I choose to go down was leading us in the opposite direction. Isn’t this like life and what we have to do each day is to choose the direction to go. As Andy Stanley says, “Your direction determines your destination.” It’s so true God has given us to paths to choose and that’s a path of life or a path of the world it’s up to choose to choose. Just as I had to choose to go down a road to nowhere or choose to listen to google maps and choose the road back to the hotel. As it says in Proverbs 9:20 “youwill walk in the ways of the good and keep to the paths of the righteous.” So, are you listen to the world when choosing the path to go down? Remember that quote from Andy, “Your direction determines your Destination”. Ask yourself how do you want your destination to turn out? |
AuthorJust a man who follows Christ and writes for fun.. Archives
September 2024
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