Do you sometimes feel that your trying to keep up with what others are wanting from you? That you lose what you really need to focus on.
I remember as a young leader I was so focused on what my boss wanted from me that I truly lost focus on what I was called to do and that was to lead like Christ. I was focused on leading the way I thought my boss wanted me to lead. I was making decisions in my leadership role based on what I thought he wanted and by doing that I was not leading a team, I was trying to meet the expectations of my boss in the wrong way. I was trying to show him that I could do this Job but was going against who I was and trying to be someone I was not. This went on for about 6 months until everything came to a head with the team. One of the members of the team, who I had worked with for years came to me and ask if we could talk. This is when I had to step back and look in the mirror. The teammate said these words to me “Mike you and I have worked and traveled together for over 10 years. Now you have stepped in the role as leader and I’m proud of you, but the person and leader I know is not the person I see sitting in front of me. You’re not leading for Gods glory your leading our bosses glory and you and I know that will not work.” After he shared this, with me I stepped back, went home and looked in the mirror and realized he was correct. At this point in my career I was able to shift and go back to leading the way Christ calls me to lead. We must find our freedom to seeking to please our father and not others. We have one Father that loves us, and He will always be next to us if we don’t try to run ahead of Him. When God puts us in position of leadership we must lead as Jesus did. When we let other expectations drive us, we scatter energy in the winds. Our own desire to look good can also drain our energy. We must continue to remember that as it is said in Mathew 23:8 “Jesus is our teacher and we are the student.” Are we still being the student even though Jesus gave us the opportunity to be a leader or are we trying to be the teacher and putting Jesus to the side? I will leave you with this and in Mathew 6:1 it says, “Don’t so things to please men, we are to do things to please our Father.” So when God places you in a leadership role remember it is on temporary so what are you going to do in this role to please our Father?
I remember has a young Father I was focusing on the Future and what it would like for my kids. The focus was on making sure that they had what they needed and wanted from clothes, Cheerleading, Violin Lessons and Etc. I was focusing on making sure that I was putting back money for them for their college education. I was working two jobs sometimes to make sure I was providing what I thought they needed. Yes, I was worried about the next day and for that I was consistently allowing my eye focus on Tomorrow and not the day I was in. As I get older, I look back on all the things I missed because I was worried about Tomorrow and not the day, I was in. Don’t hear me say we don’t have to plan but we don’t have to worry about tomorrow to the point that we lose focus on what’s in front of us. I know try and live by the saying I heard a few years ago, “Focus on where your feet are at”. This can apply to so many things in life. Today I use this saying to help us focus on Today and not tomorrow. God calls us to worry about today and today alone. When we focus on tomorrow, we miss what’s in front of us today. Mathew says in chapter 6:34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. When we worry about tomorrow what are missing that God has put in front of us today. Again “DO NOT WORRYY ABOUT TOMORROW.” This is not a suggestion, but command. See time is divided in days and night. This is done is it helps manage our day in portions. God’s grace is and should be enough for us, but only one day at a time. When we worry about the future, we allow day upon day of troubles onto our flimsy frame. We will stagger under this heavy load, which we were never intended to carry. Let’s take this load and throw it off and Trust God has our future planned which will help us come directly into his presence. I know we do need to plan and I not saying not to plan. I am saying don’t allow the Burdon of tomorrow effect the day we are in. Remember we can only Control what we can control. And this is our actions in the day we are in. |
AuthorJust a man who follows Christ and writes for fun.. Archives
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