I remember when I was a little guy and my dad took me hunting. He was walking me to the stand that I would be sitting in. As we walked to the stand that afternoon, I remember walking through the bushes and they were taller than me. My dad walked in front of me clearing the way and creating a path so that it would be easier for me to walk to my stand. As a little guy, it was not easy walking through this, but my Dad sure made it look easy. As we continued to walk I was skeptical if we were going to ever make it to the stand. It felt like it took forever. When I shared this story in one of my sales presentations a few weeks ago, it hit my heart that isn’t this what God does for us when we follow him? Think about this situation with my Dad, what if I decided to walk before him and not wait on him to clear the path? Would it have been easy for me to go through, not knowing actually where I was going; I would have gotten lost. Even if I was walking next to him I still would have had a difficult time going through the woods because I would have had to make my own path in the thick brush. Yes, I followed my Dad through the woods and he cleared a path but I still struggle walking through it, but it was so much easier by following him.
Jesus calls us to do the same thing and that is following him. I followed my Dad because I was committed to him and trusted him. Jesus says follow Him and trust Him. He never said it would be an easy walk. Just like it was not an easy walk through the woods with my Dad, but the path was a lot clearer by following him. There are many people who say they want to follow Jesus. And that's good. But that commitment will be challenged. We must decide to follow Jesus—not because our best friend is, not because our boyfriend or girlfriend is, not because our parents are, but because we have chosen in our own heart of hearts to follow Christ. Following my Dad that day was easy for me because I trusted him and believed he knew where he was going. He had walked the path before and knew the direction. This is why God sent Jesus, because He wanted us to see that He understood our walk because He walked it on Earth with us. However, many of us can get caught up in the moment. It's like watching an Olympic medal ceremony. We see someone representing their nation standing up on that pedestal. As the gold medal is placed around the athlete's neck and the flag of his or her country is raised while the national anthem plays, we say, "I want to be an Olympic athlete. That's what I want to do." But do we realize the hours, days, months, and years of training that these athletes dedicate to participate in one competition? We get excited about the medal ceremonies but are we willing to go through the training? Are we willing to do the hard work? Is our commitment to Him and Him alone? Are we willing to be real followers of Jesus?
I planned a run with a co-worker while I’m here in Atlanta. The plan was to start at 6am and run the planned route of 3 miles. I’m training to run a half Marathon with my wife in a couple of months, so part of the training today was to run 5 miles but being in a different city I planned to only run 3 miles. Therefore, we met at 6am and off we went. I forgot to mention my coworker is a big runner and runs long distance all the time and I do not! So, as we were running they were ahead of me the whole time and when we got to the road where we were supposed to turn to head back in order to finish the 3-mile loop, they decided to run up to this church and turn there and then head back. Well I kept running and a mile later I was wondering where this Church was that they were talking about. Then I hear my app on my phone say great job you hit 2 miles! I still had not glimpse of a church.
At this point I was getting tired and irritated. Finally, the church and I thought thank goodness because I need to stop here and pray I can make it back to the beginning. Then again, I ran and ran to hear my app say great job you have hit 4 miles and still no sight to the end. At this point I was done and about to call an UBER to come get me. 5.3 miles later I saw the end insight and was glad this was about over. Once I finished, I was grateful of the good run even though it about killed me. I got back to my room and started to laugh about this run. It got me thinking about our walk with Christ. Our walk with Christ is not always fun nor did he say it would be. You can see this with the folks that actually walked with Christ. It was not always fun, nor did they always enjoy it, but they saw the bigger picture of the results of following him. We know while following him it will be bumpy but at the end of our time following we have a great place for us to be with him. The time and struggle we go through while following him will be such a blessing. Just as this this morning run was not fun and it hurt but it will better prepare me for the end result and that is to be able to finish the half marathon with my wife. As we are running with Christ think about the folks that see you stay strong and keep your faith. Plus God will push us to go that extra mile when we only want to go 3 miles. I remember as a young kid visiting my grandmother who lived in the country in South Carolina. When I got my drivers license and was just starting to drive, I wanted to drive everywhere. Anytime my grandmother wanted something, I wanted to go pick it up for her. The thing is I didn’t know my way around this little country town, so my grandmother would always go with me to make sure I didn’t get lost. Then the day came she needed something from a friend’s house. Grandma could not go, so here was my chance to be able to drive all by myself. My grandmother gave me directions to their house and off I went. However, my directions were questionable.
Go north for about two miles. Turn where the old mill used to be. Go down the dirt road until you hit a fork, then turn back east. I needed street signs and a city grid. And that mill? How in the world was that a helpful landmark when it was torn down 10 years earlier? So of course, I missed the turnoff, then I got hopelessly lost down a dusty dirt road. I arrived back home about 2 hours later when it should have only taken me 15 mins there and back. I told my grandmother to forget forks and Y’s or north or south. Give me clear direction. Tell me to turn right or left or give a street name or an address. Tell me an approximate number of miles, because “as the crow flies” doesn’t mean a thing if you’re not a crow. I was so lost that day. From that day forward, I had my grandmother ride with me so I didn’t get lost anymore. I didn’t try to do it on my own, I followed her directions while she was next to me. This reminded me of Levi in Luke 5 who was also desperately lost — spiritually lost. Though Levi’s family had deep religious roots, he was tangled in sin. Levi encountered Jesus earlier that day, and Jesus invited Himself to Levi’s home. The religious rulers were angry because they didn’t like Jesus sitting at Levi’s table. They believed there was a specific way to talk to sinners and going to their house wasn’t included in that methodology. They angrily confronted Jesus’ disciples, demanding to know what Jesus was doing. Though they aimed their question at His disciples, it’s Jesus who responds. Jesus answered them, “Healthy people don’t need a doctor — sick people do” (Luke 5:31b). Jesus wasn’t following the Pharisee’s rules, but He was fulfilling His Father’s mission. Jesus was sent to rescue the lost, and Levi was sin-sick. He was so far down the wrong road that he couldn’t find his way back. While the Pharisees saw a lost cause, Jesus saw a potential miracle. There’s hope in this story for all of us, but by His example, Jesus reveals how we can help those who feel lost. History tells us Levi left his old life (Luke 5:28) and followed Jesus. He eventually mentored others, helping them find their way too. My guess is Levi never forgot how it felt when Jesus walked into his home and into his life. When we meet someone who’s lost, let’s try to remember: What did we need when we felt hopelessly lost? Rather than toss out a Scripture or a catchy statement, let’s slow down. Have a conversation. Learn a little more about that person whom Jesus loves so much. Let’s discover how they got in that lost place, and then walk toward Jesus together. As I was flying home last week, I noticed this storm coming in as we were leaving the gate. A few minutes later. we were sitting on the runway and the pilot came over the intercom to let us know we are in a holding pattern because they had to shut down the airport due to the storm. I thought oh well I can get caught up on my book. As I was reading my book, I felt this tap on my arm and this guy who was sitting next to me asked what I reading? At first, I thought why are you interrupting me while I’m reading, didn’t he see I was reading? Plus, the name of the book is on the cover and it was facing him. No, I was not being Jesus like in my head LOL. I took of my head phones and answered him with a smile. He said oh ok! And then asked me if I was a preacher? Well if he would have been in my head thirty seconds before that question I promise he would have not asked that questions. I said no I’m not, I’m in sales and here on a business trip. He said oh, ok I will let you get back to reading and I said Thank you. A few minutes later the pilot came over the intercom and said we have the permission to take off. I was still reading, and I came across this part of the book as it talked how God views the world and the people. I took off my head phones and looked out the window and thought what a great view and is this what Gods sees every day? As I was looking out the window I felt that same tap on my arm, I turned, and the gentleman said it’s a nice view isn’t it? I agreed, and he said you should see as you jump out of a plane. I was like excuse me? I’m sure he saw the confusion on my face and he proceeded to tell me that he was a skydiving instructor. I said oh ok, I was wondering where you were going with that as he laughed. I asked why in the world would he jump out of a perfect good airplane? He told me it’s a place he connects to God and I said well I’m sure your praying all the way down. I asked a lot of questions and we had a great chat about sky diving. I had to ask about is it true about when people hit the ground when things go wrong the bounce like a basketball? He said laughed and said yes it true. I said sorry but had to ask. Then he told me that that it’s not the first hit that kills you it’s the second time you hit the ground. I will spare you those details. About that time the pilot came over the intercom and we were to prepare for landing. I said it was good chatting and hope you have a safe flight on your way home.
As I was driving home, I thought about what we were talking about and how it applies to our own lives. What is true about skydiving is true in our lives. We have all, at some time hit the ground from failures but it’s not the failure that has taken us out it’s the second hit. I apply this to my own life, I have hit the ground hard. Whether we had a private failure or a public failure, it’s not the failure that crushes us, it’s that second hit that does. When I hit the ground with a failed first marriage it didn’t kill me, but it was the second bounce that got me. I made mistakes, as we both did in our marriage but the friends I thought would rushed over to me, actually created distance. They expressed disapproval or treated me with polite indifference. However, there was 3 men who actually stepped in to catch me before I hit the second time. Even though they did not agree with my choices and decisions they still wrapped their arms around me and loved me. It wasn’t easy for them, but they did what Christ called them to do. If we want to be like Jesus, here is something simple we can do for others. Catch them on the bounce. When we other mess up, reach out to them with love and acceptance the way Jesus did. When people hit hard, run over to them and wrap your arms around them. God wants us to be with them when they mess up. I’m so thankful for these three men who did that for me. I might have not been open to talk with them at that time, but they never stopped reaching out to me. Be with each other. Don’t just gather information about people who have failed – go be with them. When you get there with them don’t just be in the area with them but be present. Remember you need to catch them don’t try to teach them. Today I flew to Atlanta for a work trip and of course my hotel is about 45 min from the Airport. So, I decided to take an Uber today instead of Marta. Usually I take Marta, so I can get some computer work done because on the Marta no one really talks to you. However, today was different for me because I was able to catch up on all my work before I boarded the plane. So, I was waiting on my Uber and he pulled up, so I threw my luggage in and jumped in the front seat. It wasn’t long before he asked, “so what brings you to town?” Usually I go into why I’m here but let’s be honest they don’t really care. So, I turned the question back around on him and asked him why he was in Atlanta? I could tell he was not from the area and plus we have a 45 min ride if not longer to spend together. He shared with me that his parents moved over here about 12 years ago when he was 16, they were from Honduras. His parents came to the States because they wanted him and his sister to have a better way of living. He was finishing up at school at Georgia Tech as an Engineer and his sister going there as well. After listening to his story, he said can I ask you a question and then proceed to ask if I knew who Jesus was? It kinda caught me off guard because you usually don’t hear an Uber driver ask you that question. I said yes, I do know Jesus and he is my father. Here is where it took a wild turn and fun ride. He asked me to explain to him how you can have a relationship with someone you never met? I said we going to need a longer ride than 45 minutes lol. However, I went on to explain to him who Christ was to me and how I have a relationship with him and what Christ has done for me and for him. He had some other questions, so we talked some more. Then he got really quiet and then asked me this question that threw chills up my arms and down my back. He said that he tried to learn more about Christ but the churches he went made him feel judged because he was not like them! I had to stop him and ask what do you mean not like them? He said they all seem so perfect and have no troubles in their life. At this time, I could not stop and I laughed and he looked at me. I said I’m so sorry I was not laughing at you at all. I shared with him I promise you none of those people are perfect at all.
I was able to share with him my own story and where I was at one time and I’m far from perfect and Christ and I have a relationship. About this time, we were coming up to the exit of where my hotel was, and our time was about to end. I shared with him that Christ wants sinners like me and you to come to him. There is a reason Jesus didn’t hang out with the high Priest and hung out with Sinners like his own disciples. We pulled up and then he said before you get out of the car can I ask one more question and I said yes of course. He leaned, turned his head and looked at me and asked where I can go to church to get to know more about this Jesus you know. I said I’m not from Atlanta and don’t really know the churches here, but I shared with him the only Church I know. He said I will go there to learn more about Jesus. I told him good luck and I would be praying for him. I really hope Michael finds Northpointe Church here in Atlanta. We as Christians have to remember God calls us to show love and act on our beliefs. I have yet to find and scripture that causes us to judge anyone. He is a man who doesn’t want to go to a Church because he felt judged and because he wasn’t perfect. I’m not saying every church is this way at all but we a have to remember we are no perfect even if you grew up in the Church and you think you have it figured out. Show the love of Christ to other and act on your beliefs. |
AuthorJust a man who follows Christ and writes for fun.. Archives
September 2024
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