As a Dad, there were plenty of times I would hold my daughters’ hand to keep them safe. I remember a time while my Daughter and I were walking through the parking lot and I was holding her hand. Even though the parking lot didn’t have any cars in it, what it did have was lots of holes. As we were walking, and I was holding her to keep her from falling she kept wanting to let go so she could run like any kid would do. So finally, I let her go even though I knew what the outcome would be. Yep it didn’t take long, and you guessed it she hit the payment. When I grabbed her to make sure she was ok and she was, but if you asked her, she thought she was almost dead. I looked at her and said now you see why I wanted to hold your hand to keep you from getting hurt.
Isn’t this like life when you walk with Christ. He is holding our hand as we walk with Him but for some reason, we want to let go and run like we know where we are going. Then it doesn’t take long for us to hit the ground, but He is right their picking us up. Jesus calls us to HOLD HIS HAND and walk joyously with Him through each day. Together we will savor the pleasures and endure our difficulties life brings. Remember we don’t have to choose between staying close to Him and staying on course. Since Jesus is the way, staying close to Him is staying on course. As we focus our thoughts on Him, He will guide us carefully along todays journey. In today’s walk with all the things that are going on and the distractions we listen to each day, Either through Social Media or the 15 different News Channels. This can Cause us to let go of His hand and start to try to control things. We don’t need to worry about what’s around the next bend if we are truly walking with Him. We need to concentrate on enjoying His presence and staying in Step with him.
IF you are like me than sometimes when you start to study or read about 10 minutes into your mind shifts and you start to think about other things.
The other day, I was studying for a Leadership Class. Within about 10 minutes, I was thinking about what needed to be doing outside in the yard. All of a sudden I was writing all the things I needed to take care of and not even studying or focusing on the thing I set out to do. Once I caught myself, I went back to studying and in about 10 min here we go again. Do we do this when we face struggles in our life. We start to focus on them and then we lose focus and start to focus on something else, so we don’t have to deal with it? Let’s take a different look at this and if you are Christ Follower do you do this when your studying His word? I Know I do! When we do this, I call this drifting with a lose Anchor. God wants us to be the center of our lives, the Anchor of our soul. Yes, our mind is going to wonder but how far are we going to let in wonder. An anchor on a short rope lets a boat drift only slightly before that taut line tugs the boat back towards the center. When we drift away from Christ, The Holy Spirt within us gives a tug, prompting us to return to Him. As we become increasingly attuned to His presence, the length of rope on our soul’s anchor is shortened. We will only wander a short distance before feeling that inner tug telling us to return to Center. In Hebrews 6:19 it says “We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure” My question is What is your Anchor attached to? Worldly sand or a Solid Rock as Christ? Hope is the golden cord connecting you to God. It’s the cord that helps you hold your head up high, even when multiple trials are pounding you.
I thought about this when I was talking with a friend who broke his neck and had a Halo on. If you not familiar what a Halo is, it’s a device that holds you still and straight after you have either broke your neck or some type of neck surgery. We got talking and he said He needed this device along time ago and I said why do you say that with a laugh. He shared that it keeps his chin straight ahead and He can never look down and kick the rocks and feel sorry for himself. We had a good laugh about it. It did get me thinking of how many times do we walk around looking down and kicking the rocks at our feet because of something we are going through. As I mentioned early Hope is the cord that connects us to God. We must put our Hope in Him and realize He has us even when we think there is no hope. Hope is the golden cord connecting you to God. It’s the cord that helps you hold your head up high, even when multiple trials are pounding you. God will never leave our side and will never let go of our Hand if we have Hope in Him. Remember though this doesn’t mean will always turn out the way we think it will turn out. But without the cord of Hope, our head may slump and our feet will shuffle along the journey of life. Hope will lift our perspective for our weary feet to the glorious view we can see from the high road. Hope can and will remind us that we are traveling together with Christ. When we consider our destination in Christ, the roughness or smoothness of the road ahead become less significant. |
AuthorJust a man who follows Christ and writes for fun.. Archives
September 2024
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