Lets look at Question 2: Is my self-condemnation drawing me into a closer relationship with God, or is it driving me further from Him?
2 Corinthians 5:17, "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new." Can you honestly look in the mirror and tell yourself, "I love you" and mean it with your heart? I'm not talking about a prideful way, but in a humble means of accepting who God has formed in you. We need to love and accept the person that Christ has made in us, and forgive ourselves as Christ has forgiven us! In the past when I look inside, I hated myself for things that I have done, I kicked myself over and over for your past failures and choices. I came to Jesus and repented, but I didn’t really accept the truth about what Jesus has done for me. I still felt ashamed and guilty over my past and I kept holding it against myself. The way I saw myself is not an accurate picture of what Christ has done for me. It is basically denying the work that Jesus accomplished for me on the cross! If my sins were forgiven, then I needed to see myself as separated from my sins... but no, the enemy kept reminding me of my past and continued to beat me up over choices that I made - that I was supposed to leave at the cross. I was wrapped up in guilt and condemnation, I needed to forgive myself. I can do this through deliverance, but if I don't forgive myself for the mistakes I made, I won't experience the breakthrough that I need to be totally set free. When the recipient of a gift receives it gladly and with joy, the giver is glorified. But when the recipient receives the gift, but ignores it, the giver is mocked, belittled and feels unappreciated. When I failed to forgive myself, I’m like a child who has been given a trip to Disney World for Christmas, yet I keep complaining that I can't go... even after my parents have already packed the car and are waiting on me to get in! How would you feel if you were my parents? Wouldn't you feel sick inside, knowing that you spent all that money on this trip, the tickets, the hotel reservations, etc., and your son refuses to go because he doesn't believe that what you gave him was real? Think how your heavenly Father feels when He looks down and sees His children walking around beating themselves up over things that He shed His blood so that they could be forgiven and set free from? After much studying and reading, Gods word it is clear that failing to forgive ourselves for past mistakes is denying the work of the cross and the shed Blood of Christ in our life which allows us to get further away from Christ. When God's Word tells us that we have been washed with the Blood of Christ, and our sins are removed that is us saying, "I don't care what the Blood of Jesus has done, I still hate myself for what I've done!" It's stagging to think such a thing, but that is what really happens when we refuse to forgive ourselves. If you don't see yourself as a new creature in Christ, then we have a problem. You will be hindered and held back from freely and confidently living out who you really are in Christ! You will be hesitant and feel unworthy to approach your Heavenly Father, because you feel you're a failure and unworthy... this is why it is vital for your conscience to be cleansed of dead works (your past failures) . Hebrews 9:14, "How much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without spot to God, purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living God?" Failing to forgive yourself will put blinders on your spiritual eyesight quickly. It will cause you to see things through the eyes of guilt, shame and condemnation. It will ruin your faith and cause you to go blind spiritually. So you have two choices. You can either forgive yourself and move closer to God or not forgive yourself and walk in direction away from God. I didn’t learn this until I lay my choices at the feet of Christ and walk with him and by doing this I was able to forgive myself and not live with the burden I was dealing with each day.
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AuthorJust a man who follows Christ and writes for fun.. Archives
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